12 Reasons To Learn To Crochet

As a current crocheter I’m probably a bit biased (lol), but I wanted to share with anyone who has ever considered learning my top 12 reasons to just give it a go 😊 (or keep going if you already crochet). What do you have to lose?

Don’t have the time to read this now? Why now pin the image below for later.

***This page may include affiliate links - this means that I may earn a small commission if you purchase the product. This is at no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products that I have tried and tested myself, and that I like using. This income helps me to keep designing quality crochet patterns for you.***

1.      It’s good for your mental health – once you get past the swearing-filled (at least in my case) early beginner stage it is relaxing, can help you to de-stress and is a great mindfulness activity.

2.      It gives you a sense of achievement – being able to look at your finished project and say β€˜I made that’ can give you a huge internal boost (gotta love those happy hormones!).

3.      It can boost concentration – when you are sat in a boring meeting (especially if it is online), doing an easy crochet project that keeps your hands busy can help you to concentrate on the meeting better and stop you zoning out. Science rocks!

4.      It can delay the onset of dementia – research suggests that keeping your mind active by learning a new skill can help to maintain brain health and memory for longer. FACT.

5.      It’s a time filler – sat in the car waiting for a friend to arrive or school to end? Got ten minutes left of your lunch break and no one to chat to? A small, portable crochet project is perfect in these situations to stop you getting bored or spending all day scrolling on your phone.

6.      You can give handmade gifts – the time, energy and love that goes into a handmade gift makes it priceless. Who wouldn’t want to receive some of your beautiful work?

7.      It’s a survival skill – you can make so many useful things using crochet - from socks to jumpers to bags to art. Being able to crochet would make you a more valuable person to be friends with in a post-apocalyptic world :)

8.     It’s an artistic outlet – your only limit is your imagination.

9.      It’s a conversation starter – on numerous occasions I have had strangers come up to me and ask what I am making. What a fabulous and easy way to break the ice with future friends.

10.   It’s perfect for those finishing touches – you can add beautiful embellishments to cards, gift tags, clothing, blankets and more!

11.   You get to squish all the yarn – who doesn’t love going into a yarn shop and giving the yarn a good squish to 'help' you decide which one to buy (lol).

12.   You can talk and crochet at the same time – (provided that your project isn’t crazy complicated) this allows you to chat with your friends and catch-up while you work. Win-win!

Do you have any more reasons to add? I’d love to hear why you crochet 😊.

Feeling inspired yet? Why not check out our Caitlin Zigzag range of patterns below which are very beginner friendly!

If you have any questions or queries about this post feel free to contact us.

Happy crocheting!


Crochet Patterns For Beginners


The Caitlin Zigzag Blanket